Google Camera Modded For Android JB 4.1 4.2.2 4.3 APK

Google Camera For Android JB 4.1 4.2.2 4.3 APK

Google Camera is a wonderful app made by Google. But it was only available to the Nexus devices. A few days ago Google released that camera app to Play Store. But still it is only available to the KitKat users. Is it possible to install Google Camera app on Android JellyBean. The answer is Yes. Thanks to XDA. They have modded it for our JellyBean. When i tried to install the original Google Camera apk, it showed me an error. But this modded Google Camera apk will install on any JellyBean devices.Since it is not an official apk, there are some bugs and it’s not stable. But you can use the Camera, Lens blur effect etc. When you simply download and install it, it will not open. You will get a force close. So you have to disable the Google Play Services to make it work. 

Here are the steps.
  1. Download and install Modded Google Camera APK
  2. Go to Settings-> Apps-> All-> Google Play Services-> Disable.
  3. Now open the Google Camera.
  4. Enjoy.

Google Camera Modded For Android JB 4.1 4.2.2 4.3 APK